vRealize Business for Cloud has its integration with vROPS as we have discussed within our previous article published earlier today. The ability to measure a cloud environment allows you to manage it. You can't basically do that without. You need to some kind of comparison between different clouds and integrate it within your management so you know exactly what the costs are.
The product can show private and public cloud cost, Cloud comparison, but also Cloud showback.
Cloud showback can help you with reporting for LOB managers, and validation when planning before moving into the cloud.
You can simulate specific VM configuration and run a cost perspective with compare to single or multiple datacenters.
The product has new enhanced UI with Clarity UI too.
- New landing page – you can then explore directly the section you need.
Azure Pricing is now available (via API) as a part of the main dashboard. Cost reports can be shown through the main dashboard, plus more details. Overall there is much more details and information than before.
Cost reporting is possible via API hooked directly to your account.
AWS new capabilities – Total cost trend, CPU utilization trend, Disk utilization, Network usage.
Enhanced OOTB Reporting – use case reports such as Daily pricing reports, vCenter reports, vCD report, ERC SRM storage, Public cloud Azure/AWS reports.
The deployment options:
- Integrated with VMware Identity Manager (vIDM)
- Standalone
It has new roles, such as vRBC_Administraotr, vRBC_Controller or vRBC_ViewONLY. New roles mean more granularity. You can associate the product with Microsoft Active Directory (through vIDM) and assign different roles to different users.
vRBC admin can now add multiple license keys without the need to reinstall.
The product seems to evolve quite a bit since I last tested. Getting a cloud cost compare between AWS and Azure is something which many today's admins have to deal with and looking into it. So if the product can provide enough insights, with some planning capabilities, it could certainly be interesting.
Depending on your environment, you'll certainly hesitate to go to put some workloads in the cloud(s). This tool will most likely be a good help to make a choice and especially monitor the daily costs. The demo we've seen was pretty convincing.
In this field, however, there is another serious competitor which we ‘re reporting later today as well. If you're interested into this, check our blog one hour later as for now we're under NDA.
More from ESX Virtualization
- vRealize Business for Cloud 7.3 What's New? – (This post)
- VMware vRealize Operations 6.6 Announced – NEW
- Three Simple Steps to Install Turbonomic Operations Manager
- What is The Difference between VMware vSphere, ESXi, and vCenter
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