A quick video from Reunion Island.
This post is a bit different. I'm trying to train myself a bit to became a video producer for VMworld 2010 Copenhagen 😉 . And since we went (me and my wife) to the strawberry festival at Montvert Les Hauts this morning, I said to myself that it would be a good idea to go to the Grand Anse beach afterwards to shoot some video before my departure for VMworld, so you can see guys What's the place where I live and work looks like. Actually I work at the capital St Denis which is situated 1h drive from there.
The Grand Anse beach is a situated in the south of the Reunion Island. You follow direction St Pierre and then St Joseph. We were lucky since the waves were fantastic. It's quite often during winter time here. We're having spring time If I can say, but you can't really see the season change. There was some wind, so I don't know if you don't understand everything I'm saying. I just wanted to train my english a bit before VMworld starts. Since I only have the chance to speak French my English is not getting any better, the contrary is true… -:). Anyway, see you there guys, I hope to meet everyone at the bloggers lounge at Bella Center Copenhagen.
So here is the promised video from Reunion Island. Enjoy…
Hi guy,
Stay on Reunion Island, with such waves I will really prefered go surfing 😉
Je rêve de vagues comme ça !
Enfin, je lirai avec beaucoup d’intérêts tes commentaires du VMworld !
Bon voyage vers l’Europe.
I don’t plan moving elsewhere…;)