Every year I come to VMworld I meet old friends and make new ones. Additionally it's a pleasure too to get thumbs up for the good woork I'm doing on my blog. What a great place to meet new people and new friends. With 9000 attendees this year, VMworld Barcelona 2014 is great success.
As the years goes by, usually you always cross similar people together, like the Italians for example on this photo. There is Andrea Mauro, Giusseppe Gugliemett (https://twitter.com/gguglie) , Pietro Piutti (https://twitter.com/stingray92) and Francesco Bonetti (https://twitter.com/fbonez)
This year VMworld was a good event I'm glad that I could made it here.
Also great pleasure to meet my Austrian and German friends (during the show at also at the party with few other new meets from Edinburgh and Switzerland! Awesome.
Photo with Manfred (Fred) –Â https://twitter.com/Fred_vBrain
Andreass Lesslhummer (https://twitter.com/lessi001)
The party was good success this year, again, with a little disappointment for me is that I forgot that I'm going to see a rock concert –www.simpleminds.com were playing and so as a results my ears were hurting me after only 3 songs as I did not bring any ears plugs … -:(
Time to recover in hang space to play some Dueling Mind Games and drive cars with a help of an iPad apps..
At the same time, the ongoing concert could have been followed on large screens there…
Again, great success and hope to come back again next year…
On the way back to the hotel with Allastair Cook (https://twitter.com/DemitasseNZ) and Barry Coombs (https://twitter.com/VirtualisedReal  – not in the pic). Pic taken by Jon Munday (https://twitter.com/JonMunday77)  completely spontaneously and tweeted  … -:)
Oh well, we want or not, VMworld is living final day tomorrow, where I'll will also participate in TechField Day event in the afternoon – special Barclona Edition. Techfield days – done by Steven Fosket (https://twitter.com/SFoskett)
Hopefully you're enjoying the show so far the same as I do.