Horizon 1.5 Released. VMware Horizon has been released few days ago – see the End User Computing Blog Post. VMware Horizon is a core component of the End-user computing portfolio, together with ThinApp and ThinApp Factory (as a Fling). VMware Horizon it's composed from 2 virtual appliances and one agent which is deployed onto the end user's desktops.
Horizon Connector virtual appliance ( 507 MB ) – virtual appliance which installs in vCenter. It interconnects with Microsoft's AD's groups and users.  The Connector supports end-user authentication and single-sign on through Application Manager to existing directory services, profiles, and policies without making changes or disrupting existing directory architecture.
Horizon Service Virtual Appliance (Â 839 MB)Â – It's a the portal, where the end users gets managed and provides them with the applications. The applications are entitled to users, which are assigned directly to their destkops or assigned On Demand (user will click on the link to install the application).
Horizon Agent – Installs on Windodws XP or Win 7 desktop. Keeps the synchronization of applications to which current user is entitled through the Horizon.
VMware Horizon uses ThinApp packages, but works a bit differently from the security point of view than if you would have used ThinApp normally, since it's now the VMware Horizon who dynamically manages and pulls the informations from Microsoft's AD and decides who has the ability to use an application or not.
Download VMware Horizon trial Here.
See the integration between ThinApp Packager and Horizon on the picture bellow.
You can have a look at the Online Help of Horizon here: Horizon Installation and Administration Help
You can also have a look a this 32 Minutes long video from VMware to get the full picture. You'll get further details on the Architecture, deployment options, look and feel from the Administrato's point of view and also the look from the end user's point of view.
You can also have a look at my article where I'm installing and configuring the VMware Horizon Application Manager and the Horizon connector appliances in my lab. Read it: How to Install VMware Horizon Application Manager in a Lab
Video from VMware:
Enjoy… -:)