VMware AppBlast is one of the coolest product announce at VMworld 2011 Las Vegas.
VMware AppBlast is one of the coolest product announces at VMworld 2011 in Las Vegas. Those announcements, there are plenty of them. And as said Steven Herrod in his interview here, VMware has announced only about 25% of the new stuff they're working on. There will be more flings comming out after VMworld Las Vegas, and othe new announcements in VMworld Copenhagen 2011 as well.
This year, not only the VMware vSphere 5, View 5 and other big announcements has been made, but also some cool technology, like Project Octopus which I reported on yesterday.
So, what is AppBlast?
AppBlast is a delivery of Applications to any device, any Os, through the web browser. Yes, but that's what we already saw yesterday with Project Octopus. Not exactly. The AppBlast, you can modify your files by only using your HTML 5 compatible web browser. It's like using VMware's Workstation Unity Mode, but this technology pushes only the application, instead of a whole VM.
So you can have a Photoshop on an iPad… -:) or on Android…
The AppBlast has been designed to be used in public, private or personal cloud. Personal cloud? Huh? It means that one could soon run his personal cloud at home and had server and all his favorite applications to be served to every personal device your family has…. pretty cool. No matter which OS you're running on this or that device…. of course.. -:)
In the video you'll see the usage of Viso design on MAC computer ……
See the interview with Scott Davis – a CTO of End user Computing showing AppBlast in Action:
Source: VMworld TV
can you integrate plugins to say, Outlook?