Are you a programmer? I'm not. That's why I'm interrested in VESI. What is VESI ? The Virtualization EcoShell Initiative is a new Vizioncore-sponsored community initiative. Who is behind? It's virtualization expert and author Scott Herold from The goal of The VESI community is to further enhance the administrative experience of virtual infrastructures with automation using Windows PowerShell.
What VESI does?
- Flexible and Robust User Interface Simultaneously manage multi-platform virtual environments, Microsoft applications and other Windows PowerShell supported technologies with a highly flexible, robust virtualization-tailored graphical interface.
- Task Automation Reduce errors from manual processes across multiple areas of responsibility through the automation of repetitive and complex tasks inherent in virtualization infrastructures.
- Administrative Reports and Maps Provide pre-defined and customizable reports as well as automated maps without hassle in HTML, XML and CSV formats, including support for Microsoft Visio.
- Powerful Script Assistance Cushion and ramp up script creation by exposing, analyzing and troubleshooting script output for common Windows PowerShell commands.
In the recent posts of Eric Sloof and his video I found out that with VESI environement it's possible to administer and generate powershell script without touching the keybord… -:) Without coding….-:) . Eric did also a PowerPoint Presentation you can find below.
You can download VESI here. (Virtualization EcoShell Build
Download the documentation here.