A new book called VCP5-DT Official Cert Guide by VMware Press has been anounced. VCP5-DT (desktop) is a certification for VMware administrators willing to became VCP. Â This book was specially created to pass the VCP5-DT exam. The author is Linus Bourque is a VCI (VMware Certified Instructor) from VMware. The Content of the book matches the blueprint of the VCP5-DT exam, so it's the only documentation you'll need to pass this exam.
There is 9 core chapters and also there is also DVD bundled with the book which allows you to install Pearson IT Certification Practice Test engine, which is a software that generate set of questions which are “exam-realistic”. Those are multiple-choice questions.
The installation process requires access to the Internet and two major steps. Installing the software and activating the exam. The DVD in the back of this book has a recent copy of the Perason IT Certification Practice Test engine. The practice exam – the database of exam questions – is not on the DVD.
The book content is future proof – when VMware Press updates the content, (if any), there is a web page associated with this book, so the new content might appear on the Pearson IT page associated with the book.
The author – Linus Bourque – Senior Technical Instructor Quote from Amazon:
So I'm Canadian (I bet you can tell by my accent, eh?) and live in the sunny land known as Los Angeles. This year (2013) I will celebrate 8 great years with VMware. I started my career with VMware when a good friend and former Seneca College (Toronto) colleague Scott Laforet said, “Dude! You gotta come and get a job with Andrew and me at this little start-up! It rocks!”
VCP5-DT Official Cert Guide
The paper book – Now $44.81 in pre-order – otherwise $54.99)
Kindle version ($33.72) is available now.
The VCP5-DT Official Cert Guide presents you with an organized test-preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. “Do I Know This Already?” quizzes open each chapter and enable you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section. Exam topic lists make referencing easy. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly.
- Master VMware VCP5-DT exam topics
- Assess your knowledge with chapter-opening quizzes
- Review key concepts with exam preparation tasks
- Practice with realistic exam questions on the DVD
The VCP5-DT Official Cert Guide focuses specifically on the objectives for the VMware Certified Professional 5—Desktop exam. VMware Certified Instructor (VCI) Linus Bourque shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retaining exam topics.
Few videos done by Linus Bourque:
Video 1 –Â how to install the Horizon View Connection Server:
Video 2
Video 3
VCP5-DT Official Cert Guide Amazon Page.
Looking forward to this book’s arrival after purchasing it from amazon.com. I was looking for reviews, but there weren’t very many of them out there.