New video on VMware Tech Channel shows what is vCLI for.
In this video you'll see the structure of vCLI commands and how to get started with vCLI. In addition there is a free poster download as a bonus at the VMware Website.
In this video it's Tasnim Fidali – Senior Technical Writer from VMware will introduce you to basic structure of vCLI and what vCLI commands are for. You'll see in this quick introductory video the real basics and you'll be able to understand where from to execute those vCLI commands (vMA, Windows box, Linux box…) and what's their basic structure.
So What is vCLI?
vCLI is a separate set of CLI commands that you can use to perform remote management of ESXi hosts. This video gives an overview of vCLI commands in vSphere 5.0. It discusses ESXCLI name spaces and commands and goes over commands for which no ESXCLI equivalent exists in vSphere 5.0.
You can run ESXCLI commands from remote computer, or you can execute those commands also in the ESXi shell. Note that it is also possible to run ESXCLI commands from the vSphere PowerCLI prompt by using the Get-EsxCli cmdlet.
vCLI Release Notes
Getting Started with vSphere Command-Line Interfaces
vSphere Command-Line Interface Concepts and Examples
vSphere Command-Line Interface Reference
Command-Line Management of vSphere 5.0 for Service Console Users
Find the Free vCLI poster in PDF format Here….. Download VMware Management with vCLI 5.0
And if you're PowerCLI user, you can get a free poster as well – here is the download.
And the YouTube Video is bellow.
Source: YouTube
Enjoy.. -:)