After receiving an interesting mail from Veeam forum digest, I thought it's a good idea to share the info. It's about using an external PG Db optimizer that allows you to optimize your PG servers. In the case of Veeam, the user was able to solve a ticket by optimizing their PostgreSQL server.
Note that those settings, you should take them with a grain of salt. For example, I would always copy my conf file so I can restore back my original settings. I'd be cautions, that's all.
At postgres conf we used an external pgoptimizer that helped us to improve the PGSQL.
So I went ahead to that page and there you can enter the values of your server (number of CPU, how many Gb of RAM it uses etc), then generate a config file.
You can then copy configuration to the clipboard, add/modify this settings in the postgresql.conf and restart database.
The second tab called Alter system writes the given parameter setting to the file which is read in additon to posgresql.conf.
Quote from the page:
PGTune calculate configuration for PostgreSQL based on the maximum performance for a given hardware configuration. It isn't a silver bullet for the optimization settings of PostgreSQL. Many settings depend not only on the hardware configuration, but also on the size of the database, the number of clients and the complexity of queries. An optimal configuration of the database can only be made given all these parameters are taken into account.
The page link is here
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