And the winner is….. Top Virtualization Blogs has been announced.
It's been quite a suspense. During the last 2 weeks there has been a voting contest where you could win a Trainsignal's best selling vSphere 4 learning course on Eric Siebert's blog organized. I've reported on that earlier. It's amazing, I made it to the 32 position… 😎 . Thank YOU, my readers…..It makes me really proud of, because the competition gets more and more difficult and the blogosphere is getting crowdy….
When you consider that I've started this website as a bookmarking site and through the year(s) it got in 32nd position in the world, it's quite good. I'm posting often, every day at least once …
Sure, next time I'll want to finish better, higher…. 😀
The votes were counted this way: votes includes any vote a blog received whether it was 1 through 10. Total points is the sum of each vote times it’s appropriate weight for the position (#1 vote = 10 points, #2 vote = 9 points, all the way down to a #10 vote = 1 point).
There is no surprise to me that Duncan Epping at has won, because he is not only consistent on his posting schedule, but also he has the technical skills – he is our VCDX 007…. 😎
I would like to thanks everyone who voted for ESX Virtualization. I think that I should do some kind of poll of what you readers would like me to post about. I'm sure that a how-to posts gets the most success, but they are also those get's the most work (almost) from my side.
Since I redesigned the website in the beginning of December, I also simplified the categories sections and kept a general orientation like: server virtualization, desktop virtualization, promo, Videos, Specials and Free stuff.
Sure I try to monetize my efforts too, so there is some publicity around a bit of everywhere… Thanks for visiting my sponsors too… I like this website in this configuration, and I'm not going to put more. And also, It's a lot of work to put a content on-line every day. (ask yourself – if you're blogger… 😉 how often you post….)
As you can see, at the moment the website has this amount of articles and pages…..
Last but not least…. I'm French guy (Czech too… 😎 , so my English is partly learned at school, and partly in England (Yorkshire…) and partly on the Road … In case there is some typos or grammar problems, just excuse me for that.
When I look at the history of my blogging and learning experience, I can see that I've done a big step forward with my learning virtualization, and now being a certified as a VCP 4 just gave me even more credit. I'm starting to ask myself what's next? VCDX? Not sure that I have enough strength to go for it right now. I'd prefer consolidate my real experience with some more installations of vSphere 4 on customer's sites first.
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