There is new book about VMware vSphere from French blogger Eric Maille. Eric Maille is a French blogger and IT engineer from Paris. He blogs at (FR) and he wrote a book about VMware vSphere. In fact I was not aware of that at all and I feel a bit ashamed since I could […]
Using tasks, events and alarms in vCenter
Today I watched a video from the second DVD of the new Trainsignal’s vSphere 4 learning course. In this video David Davis explained to me what for are tasks, scheduled tasks, how to use them. Really cool stuff. I did not know that the configuration of SNNP inside vCenter was so easy…. Still inside of […]
VMware ESXi was created by a French guy !!!
The origin of the project was born by a French Guy Olivier Crémel I was quite surprised when I found the info on one of the blogs I’m subscribed via RSS. If you do not know what is RSS and how smart is to use it just follow this link…. You might consider to subscribe […]
vMotion for long distance… cool. VMware and vSphere is already in the Sky..
vMotion Certified for 200 Kilometers by VMware Now it’s just been certified by VMware that the long distance vMotion is officially supported by VMware. The maximum distance is 200 Kilometers. That’s perfect because our Island has about this distance. From St Denis to St Pierre (Two capitals) there is only about 80 Kilometers… -:). There […]
ESX 4 and VM’s with hardware version 7
Now that we are in the vSphere, the VM’s hardware version is version 7. But what that is mean? There is quite a few enhancements over the previous release of VMware hypervisor. As you can see, the new ESX 4 supports USB. That’s a good idea. Since a long time ago, present in a VMware […]
What is Enhanced vMotion compatibility
vMotion everybody knows. Right? If not your are living under the rock….. -:) Just kidding. Using vMotion you can move the VMs needed to another host (another physical server) in your cluster. For what? Like this you can stop your physical server for maintenance, cleaning, vacuum cleaning…..of course. Even the serves needs some vacuum cleaning…. […]
30% Greater Consolidation in vSphere 4
vSphere 4 offers 30 % greater consolidation. If in your existing ESX Server infrastructure you were able to achive some consolidation ratios. Then if you’re going for the vSphere this year you’ll be able to gain 30% more consolidation ratio….. … So if you’re an existing customer today and you have a 100 host deployment […]
Cisco Nexus 1000V is a part of vSphere Entreprise Plus
The vNetwork Distributed Switch is present in vSphere 4. The Nexus 1000V is a pure software implementation of a Cisco Nexus switch. Cisco Nexus 1000V integrates with VMware vSphere to deliver VN-Link, virtual machine-aware network services. The Nexus 1000V is part of the Enterprise Plus bundle and available to all VMware resellers and distributors, even […]
Moving ESX host from one Virtual Center to another
How to register an ESX Server host in a Virtual Center? Sometimes you need to move an ESX Server host into another vCenter Management Server. To move an ESX host from one Virtual Center to another, you must remove the host from Virtual Center first , then add the host to a new VirtualCenter. It […]
Data recovery – new GUI backup tool present in vSphere 4
VMware Data Recovery (VDR) – a GUI tool now. The VMware Data Recovery is an Agent-less disk based backup and recovery solution. Data Recovery can backup/restore your VMs or file level restores of Windows or Linux guess OS. The principal features of VMware Data Recovery are: – Disk-based backup and recovery to enable fast backup/restoration […]