SIOC and Adaptive Queue Depth testing on iSCSI LUNs This is a guest post by Andy Grant. This is a continuation of the post Some Answers About Queues: LUN and HBA Queue Depth on ESX(i) Hosts. Questions arose about conflicting support statements for Storage IO Control and in an effort to further the investigation, I have performed […]
What to do when you can’t delete snapshot
When you can’t delete snapshot. What to do? You know that one of the great features of VMware ESX is a possibility to take snapshot of your system on a regular basics. When something goes wrong, you just revert to the snapshot and here you go. But when the snapshot get’s stuck? You want to […]
What is Enhanced vMotion compatibility
vMotion everybody knows. Right? If not your are living under the rock….. -:) Just kidding. Using vMotion you can move the VMs needed to another host (another physical server) in your cluster. For what? Like this you can stop your physical server for maintenance, cleaning, vacuum cleaning…..of course. Even the serves needs some vacuum cleaning…. […]
Moving ESX host from one Virtual Center to another
How to register an ESX Server host in a Virtual Center? Sometimes you need to move an ESX Server host into another vCenter Management Server. To move an ESX host from one Virtual Center to another, you must remove the host from Virtual Center first , then add the host to a new VirtualCenter. It […]
Critical Patch for ESX. Download now
Just for your information, there is a critical patch for ESX to download here. Good news, you don’t need to restart your ESX server. This is a critical patch, so you should run it, after testing, as soon as possible in your infrastructure, as this patch is critical. You can have a look here. KB1009852 […]
Step by step video how to install VM inside Virtual Infrastructure
Step by step procedure for newbies about how to create and how to install VM inside Virtual Infrastructure – running inside VMware Virtual Infrastructure. Using the VI client. In this video, David Davis shows how to do it exactly. Shows all the necessary steps to succeed in creation of a VM inside VMware ESX. Update: You […]
Plug-in the external USB drive to ESX Server directly to backup or copy
Sometimes you would like to use your external USB drive to backup (transfer) your VMDK files directly from your ESX Server external USB drive. VMDK files are files with extention *.VMDK and those files are virtual hard disks of your virtual machines. You can also mount VMDK files directly into your Windows PC. When you […]
How-to specify different swapfile location in VMware ESX 3.5
How-to specify different swapfile location in VMware With the VMware ESX 3.5 you can now specify different location of your swapfiles for your VM’s. This location can be a global location for your VM’s vswp files on an ESX host. Vswp files are created when you power your virtual machine. When you power of your […]
How to use free Quick migration script for VMware ESX
Quick Migration is a free feature which came from Microsoft’s Hyper-V. VMware has VMotion but only in the Entreprise License. Which is quite costly for most small businesses. So one great guy find a nice way to make the same feature for VMware ESX hosts. It’s a little script which is runned under Windows PowerShell […]
Cool feature for ESX Server 3.5 – VM Bios Delay
One cool feature that I was wishing to have in the past is the VM Bios Delay. What is it? Nothing is more anoying that when you create new Virtual Machine and you want to boot from a CD. Before you have time to hit F2 or ESC the machine is trying other boot devices […]