StarWind V2V Converter helps you to convert VHD to VMDK and vice versa. So if You are Hyper-V or Virtual PC user you can convert your virtual hard disks to VMware VMDK format. It is a sector by sector copy operation from one format to the other. It does not modify the source image, but creates another file with VMDK extention.
• Converts from VMDK to VHD and vice versa
• Sector by sector copy
• Does not modify source image
• Easy to install and use
Also you are able to use Starwind V2V Converter
to easily migrate any virtual machines from direct attached storage to shared storage on the network in one quick and simple step. Therefore anybody can move VMDK or VHD images safely to shared storage, allowing for virtual server clustering, therefore ensuring high application and VM availability. This also means that system administrators will be able to use advanced VMware features such as VMotion, VMware HA, DRS and VCB now that they moved VMDKs to shared storage.