Skimlinks – one WordPress Plugin that you might like to install on your WordPress blog.
WordPress administration and maintenance takes time. If you add some theme tweaking here and there, daily manage comments, so very fast you find yourself working another shift. I've already wrote about How I manage WordPress blog on daily basis where I'm uncovering some tweaks, some plugins I use.
During my WordPress rumblings I've tested, like many of you, few context advertising programs. Some of them were so intrusiv to my readers that I took them off straigt away to keep my readers and to keep the best possible reading experience. There were Kontera, Infolinks…. you know, those ones, when you put your mouse over, it shows a small pop-up screen where a small image appears. Those programs are here to monetize the blogger's website, to possibly cover the blog's expenses and possibly more.
So today I'd like to present you a new program (which is 5 yeard young now..) Â called Skimlinks. You join the program and install a WordPress plugin which transforms the text present on the blog posts into affiliate links, or it inserts an affiliate link if you're already linking to a product. You have nothing else to do. Optionnaly you can turn on a feature where the affiliate link shows a pop-up, but I don't recommend that. By default it's not enabled by Skimlinks.
The result may vary depending many things. Daily blog traffic an subjects about which you write. It's Adsense compatible if you're already using it.
You don't have to be using WordPress only, to join Skimlinks. Other platforms are supported and you're able to quickly integrate a piece fo JavaScript code and that's it.
If you're Amazon affiliate, you can even use an Amazon Overwrite:
“Just enable this functionality for each domain you would like and Skimlinks will replace all the previously affiliated Amazon links in your content with your Skimlinks Amazon ID, saving you the time and effort of changing all those links yourself.”
Their merchant program has already over 18000 merchants, impressive:
We join new merchant programs on a daily basis, making the depth of our program unmatchable. Given that we have over 18,000+ total merchants, the products you write about are sure to be covered, ensuring we can create affiliate links for you.
Join Skimlinks… -:)
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