There is 5 PowerShell 3.0 Cheat Sheets available as a free download from Microsoft. If you're IT sysadmin, you certainly started using PowerShell here or there. If not, you have an occasion to learn some quickly some tips and tricks, shortcuts, and common operations in the new Windows Powershell 3.0.
So for example, in the first document you'll see the useful commands and see the language quick reference. You'll find the operators, Arrays, Associative arrays (hash tables, comments, Object properties, strings, variables.
There are other goodies in those PowerShell 3.0 Cheat Sheets documents. Remember, few days back I blogged about some tips about Windows Server 2012 – Windows Server 2012 Core or GUI – My Top 5 Tips – you'll find a tip or two for remote management of Windows Servers in those cheatsheets as well. Not only for Windows 2012, but Windows PowerShell can be used to manage Windows Server 2008, 2008R2 with some limited information from Windows 2003 Servers. You'll find the tips on that as well.
- PowerShell_LangRef_v3.pdf – This four-page reference describes operators, arrays, useful commands, methods, and other tips for using Windows PowerShell 3.0. Also included is a Windows PowerShell reading and tutorial resource list.
- PowerShell_ISE_v3.pdf – This two-page reference describes keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys that you can use to navigate Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) more quickly, and introduces the new ISE object model. Also included are tips for configuring $ps.ISE options, profiles, and properties.
- PowerShell_Examples_v3.pdf – This two-page reference describes how to perform popular IT management and scripting tasks by using Windows PowerShell 3.0, including how to fetch data by using Management OData IIS Services, how to schedule jobs, how to install Windows PowerShell Web Access by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets, and how to create new SMB file shares.
- Quick_Reference_SM_WS12.pdf – This two-page reference describes common tasks that you can perform in the new Server Manager console in Windows Server 2012. Quickly learn how to manage remote servers that are running older versions of Windows Server by using the new Server Manager; how to run Server Manager deployment cmdlets for Windows PowerShell; how to save and export Server Manager settings, such as the servers you have added to the server pool, and custom server groups that you have created; where to find Server Manager log files; how to run popular WinRM commands such as creating a new listener; how to install roles and features on offline VHDs; and where to find documentation to help you manage multiple, remote servers by using Server Manager and Windows PowerShell.
- WMI_CIM_PowerShell_v3.pdf – This two-page reference describes differences between Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) in Windows PowerShell 2.0 and 3.0. Included are examples of how to find namespaces and classes in WMI, detailed information about CimSession, CimInstance, CIM operations, and invoking a CIM method. The quick reference describes how to get a list of new CIM cmdlets, and defines associations, WQL, WS-Man, WinRM, and CIM indications.
This quick reference is provided by PowerShell Magazine and can be downloaded from Microsoft.