VMware posters were always very popular. Those free posters could usually found at HOL during VMworlds or you could download your copy as a PDF and print. If you're learning PowerShell then you will love this new PowerCLI 5.8 R1 poster which has new and updated commands.
Very useful autodeploy commands (with examples) or TOP 5 VM memory allocation PowerCLI commands. Also, if you're learning towards VCAP exam you'll find it useful as one of the section has also Autodeploy PowerCLI commands. In addition, the bottom part has quick reference examples which shows some examples to learn from.
If you never used PowerCLI the poster can help as well because there are getting started guides and also how to connect to vCenter server or ESXi and also how to store vCenter credentials.
Quote from VMware blog:
We have added in all of the new and latest cmdlets to the upper-half of the poster, organized by task or object. The lower-half has examples of commands or tasks that we see are being used frequently, or that are just handy to have for reference.
We’ve also added links to the PowerCLI social media pages for Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Take a look at the other links we have throughout the poster as well.
Another example using PowerCLI is using ESXTOP:
Get-EsxTop –Counter
# View the fields available for vCPU counter:
(Get-EsxTop –Counter –CounterName VCPU).Fields
Get-EsxTop –TopologyInfo
# View the entries of a specific topology:
(Get-EsxTop –TopologyInfo –Topology SchedGroup).Entries | FT
# Retrieve the counter values for “VCPU” and “SchedGroup" counters:
Get-EsxTop –CounterName VCPU | FT * -AutoSize
Get-EsxTop –CounterName SchedGroup | FT * -AutoSize
I usually struggle to remember those commands and the exact syntax. This visual help is certainly very useful for every VMware admin out there. Get your copy!
VMware blog has brought to me this news of the PowerCLI 5.8 R1 poster – check this post, or direct link to the posters page.
If you're into VMware, check out my Free tools page, where down there is a link to all those PDF goodies.