After a VCP550 announced last month (read my article – New VCP Exam VCP550 based on vSphere 5.5 is available) covering datacenter virtualization, there is now also new VCP-Cloud certification exam based on vCloud Director 5.5 and VCAC 5.2 is available. With codename VCPC550.
You need to attend the vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.5] OR VMware vCloud Automation Center: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.2] from VMware Education. This applies to people who are NOT VCP's or VCAP's. If you are already le'ts say VCP-DCV then there is not obligation to take the course.
You can checkout the direct blueprint link, which shows you the content of the certification requirements.
To became VCP-Cloud you can still pass the previous exam based on VCD5.1 or If you already have your VCP5-DCV or VCP5-DT certification you can take the VMware Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) exam (exam code VCPVCD510). You are not required to take a course if you follow this path.
If you're planning to change track and you have earned VCAP certification, you can pass the VCAP-CID exam, which will get you automatically the VMware Certified Professional — Cloud (VCP-Cloud) certification in addition to the VCAP-CID certification.
This “certification inheritance” applies when moving between any two areas. When you pass an exam of a higher level in a new track, you automatically inherit the lower certifications of that new track.
So you see that you are not “stuck” with a single track and have some cool benefits when “tackling” another track. It really depends on your career (which can evolve) and on your needs. Once you reached let say the VCP level at the datacenter virtualizatio track, you can change track for example for cloud track and pass a VCAP-CID which will earn you automatically VCP-Cloud.
Source: VMware Education Blog
Hi Vladan,
Nice Blog maintained by you,. I need a discount coupan for VCPC550 exam. so could you please let me know from where i can get the same.