UPDATE: Just check my post showing the installation of ESXi 5 insisde of VMware Workstation. I did one of my first videos. In this video you'll see that it is possible to install and manage ESX Server even without appropriate hardware. The installation of ESX was possible on a laptop from Fujitsu-Siemes with 4GB of RAM with Intel VT capable processor. I followed the whitepaper from Xtravirt website, which is a how-to whitepaper concerning the steps you'll need to take into consideration for the installation. I'm not an expert of taking videos. Installation ESX Server inside of VMWare Workstation.
This video has been taken with the Camtasia Studio trial version and it's one of my first videos. I'm quite satisfied with but I have still some progress to make though… -:) I was using an ISO image to simulate the CD rom. For your information you can find a free utility to manage ISOs. The utility is called Daemon Tools. I'm sure you know this freeware already.
n this e-book you’ll be able to find the exact step-by-step instructions with screenshots on how to setup the lab.  You’ll find the exact steps to do in order to install and configure VMware vSphere lab in nested environment. I’m not saying that this is the ONLY way it can be done…. -:)
What’s inside of the E-book?
– What you’ll need to get started (hardware, software..)
– The network design of  vSphere lab in VMware Workstation
– Preparation of Windows templates used to save disk space (linked clones)
– Installation of nested ESXi hosts
– Instalation of vCenter
– Choosing shared storage in order to implement HA, vMotion and FT
– Network design of nested ESXi hosts
– Bonus chapter.. -:)
The E-book is free, if you sign up to our weekly newsletter. You’ll receive weekly e-mail with the latest articles from the blog. ESX Virtualization website has the latest news from virtualization, news and how-to articles and videos.