Example of VMware View 5 with this video comes from YouTube. The IT administrator from sungard Higher Education for Seatle University – Matt Buers – tells his showcase when using virtualization for server infrastructure.They started with VMware at 2004 with server virtualization and they're virtualized at 80% there.
But also recent VMware View deployment for lab PC's where they deployed 480 virtual desktops. Those desktops are used by students for running the University applications, and now the're are also able to run those applications from home. They don't have to drive to the campus just to work on the University application. They're using a connection with a PCoIP protocol that VMware View 5 provides.
Example of VMware View 5
The 6 acres campus is spread through 33 different locations and so to rebuild a student's PCs would take about a week if one would wanted to rebuild all 480 physical pPCs.And one has to go to this or that physical location and update this or that physical desktop.
The destops were “refreshed” every 3 years, so it means that every 3 years they buy new hardware for the student's desktops.
Now when they switched to VMware View, the refresh process for all the campus virtual destkops, it's an overnight process.
With the VMware View adoption, they actually kept those “getting old physical desktops” to run VMware View clients, so they say that the desktops runs still very good an all they ask them to do is to redirect the remote session video…. -:).
It's kind of cool, since the old hardware can still do a good job as a “thin client” PC and benefit the power of the back end datacenter with the server hardware.
Example of VMware View 5 where I enjoy use cases where we can clearly see the benefits for users, like the possibility for the students to go and work remotely, and the optimization of the IT administrator's time, where they need to spend less time on site for upgrading and changing the physical hardware PC's……
And here is the video….
I hope that you enjoy that too…
I wish all my readers a wonderful Christmas Time… -:)