There is a nice and convenient service called which allows easily make transfer of your files from Dropbox to SkyDrive for example. But not only. There is quite a few connectors available through the service. It's possible to transfer files and folders from many online storage service providers.
This can be useful for individuals, developers, or enterprises. If you want to keep important files in 2 places. Or wanting to sync files to backup your files from online account to another. There are most of the main online services which allows to get plugged in through an Online connector:
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- SkyDrive
- Plus many many more….
Their business model works as freemium, where you have 10gb of volume for free and then an additional Gb is 1$ per Gb. It's a credit from their side. You basically have 10Gb of transfer for free and then each Gb costs 1$.
When configuring (adding) those connectors, first you add source and then destination. You can schedule the transfers to occur on specific day/hour, and you can also specify incremental and recurrent scheduled synchronizations. There is an option for archiving (zip) before the transfers.
The size limit is not a problem, except maybe Skydrive. You can follow the activity of your transfers through a log window where you see the success/failure etc.
Here is a screenshot from the UI. On the left Dropbox, and on the right Google drive. On each side there is a button allowing you to change a source (or destination) to another service provider.
Mover creates a mirrored copy from one side to the other, so you can sync your important files to be accessible in case one of those services is down for maintenance or unavailable.
The service is free up to 10Gb, but paid service is also available for enterprises.
You can also setup for example a FTP connection on the first end or at the second end. The FTPS is supported as well. They support FTP over TLS (implicit and explicit). Mover is a Canadian company from Edmonton.