VMware Cloud Director Announced. VMware vCloud Director(vCD) lets you deliver resources to internal organizations as virtual datacenters. By logically pooling compute, storage and networking capacity into virtual datacenters. It’s using vCenter as a base and creates a new layer above vCenter that enables to create a self service portal for vApps, and provides an access […]
VMworld Labs runs from 3 datacenters
VMworld Labs. The labs this year will be heavily using cloud infrastructure. The storage environment is mostly 10GbE. Labs are running a few levels deep – ESX nested inside of ESX with VM’s running inside. See Vinf.net blog and vTardis for more on running virtual ESXi on a cheap system. You can imagine that the […]
New vCenter 4.1 performance whitepaper
There has been a new whitepaper released about vCenter 4.1 performance improvements and also Best practices. vCenter is a tool which you’re using everyday since you’re managing you VI with VI client, and since there has been lot’s of improvements made especially on the performance side, it’s always interesting to see why you should upgrade […]
VMworld 2010 is approaching… Fast
VMworld 2010 San Francisco. VMworld is close… Very close. … For those of you still not knowing if yes or not, going or not going, this info can help you in case you decide to go in the last minute. There are a sessions which does not require pre-registration.You can find them at this link. […]
vSphere Pro Vol. 2 review
Second volume of Professional training was released few weeks ago and I now received a copy from David Davis. TrainSignal released 2 other trainings for VMware vSphere and I already wrote blogpost and review about those two trainings. My first look about VMware vSphere Training and also vSphere Pro Training Vol. 1 Review. So those […]
Veeam monitor 5 in Beta
Veeam monitor 5.0 fully supports vSphere 4.1 As expected, few days after the release of vSphere 4.1, Veeam announced the Beta of Veeam Monitor 5. With the new product, there will of course be full support for vSphere 4.1 but also many more new features. Take a look at some of the details already available […]
vMotion for SMB market with vSphere 4.1 Essentials Plus
vSphere 4.1 will be announced the 13th of July. The announcement is not official yet from the VMware Side, I’m referring to Virtualization.info, which announced the news. The new vSphere 4.1 will be officially announced the 13th of July 2010. Next Tuesday. Great news for the SMB market which did not benefit until now some […]
SUSE Linux Entreprise Server on VMware
Vmware And novel signed strategic partnership. In fact VMware singes partnership with NOVELL concerning the SLES distribution. With your purchase of VMware vSphere, you’ll be able to get a subscription to SUSE Linux, the updates etc…as part of the vSphere product. VMware is able to distribute SUSE Linux software inside appliances or as part of […]
vExpert Directory and more…
A week or two back when the vExperts awards 2010 has been announced, Arnim Van Lieshout took an initiative and created a vExpert Directory. I was quite supprised that Arnim started such an initiative, since I can barely imagine the HUGE amount of work to have a list of vExperts as much as close to […]
Blogging for sharing, not for being vExperts
Why blog? For sharing. That’s my principal idea since the beginning of my website, (I prefer to call it website, because now of it’s layout it’s more like a e-zine, not a blog … 😎 ). I started to write posts, because I wanted to share for free my step-by-steps, how-to’s, learning experiences with other […]