If you’re VMware customer and you’re using VCB for restoring backups read on… VMware has extended it’s support to VCB in vSphere 4.1, but if you want to restore the backup images, you must use VMware vCenter Converter. Watch out, these images requires the use of VMware vCenter Converter. If you have done your migration […]
Backing up vCenter 4.X Server
What to backup on your vCenter Server? A KB from VMware has pointed out what should be backed up on your vCenter. There are 2 major things to be considered for backup. Your vCenter database and certificates. Without those 2 elements you can’t login to your vCenter. VUM (update manager) is another element considering to […]
Backup and recovery Advanced Server from Acronis integrates into vCenter
vCenter Integration with Acronis Backup and recovery Advanced Server. In one of my previous videos I showed you the utilization of Acronis for Exchange. This backup solution is suitable for backing up and restoring e-mail servers running Microsoft Exchange. And the restore individual e-mail feature of this solution is just great. The e-mail backup/recovery solution […]
Acronis Disk Director Home 11 review
Acronis Disk Director 11 for home users. I recently helped a friend of mine to recover his PC. What happened with his computer was, that he erased by error a data partition on his system running XP. Since I knew that at Acronis they have a tools for recovering lost partitions, I used the latest […]
Troubleshoot virtual machine VSS snapshot
VSS providers conflicts. In case you’re using Symantec BackupExec 2010 as a backup solution for your Virtual Infrastructure running Vmware vSphere 4, you might be founding yourself in curious situations when your backup jobs might finish right (but sometimes not). By digging deep inside of log files together with Symantec support, we found an issue […]
Integrity check with details in VDR 1.2
Detailed Informations about Integrity scan. This is a quick follow up post after explaining how to initiate a manual integrity check in VMware Data Recovery – backup solution provided with vSphere Essentials Plus package. In my last article I showed you that sometimes you have to initiate the manual integrity check to correct an error […]
How-to update VDR to 1.2
How to update VDR without loosing all restore points and configuration. With the update of VDR – VMware Data recovery the question is how to proceed to an update to the latest version without loosing the configuration settings, backup jobs and the deduplication stores. In my lab I tested the step by step solution provided […]
How-to perform a manual integrity check in VDR when you have damaged restore point
Need to initiate a manual integrity check of your Deduplication store? The other day after I return from holidays, that one of the restore points was marked red color in our VDR (VMware Data Recovery) appliance and that the backups were not executed. The integrity check failed because of that damaged restore point. (BTW you can […]
Paragon released corporate line of Hard Disk Manager 2010
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2010 Corporate Line has been released. I don’t have to present Paragon Software to my readers any more, because few week back I held a contest for winning Paragon’s Virtualization Manager Personal edition on my website. Personal edition is different from corporate edition of Virtualization Manager 2010, because it’s destined for […]
Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange video
My test of Acronis Backup and Recovery for MS Exchange Last week I’ve done a little vieo about Acronis Home 2010. There is a Exchange version of Acronis too, it’s called Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange. I wanted to give it a try so I downloaded a trial version of Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange […]