Videos from VMworld 2010 in Copenhagen.
Here is a compilation of some great moments from VMworld Copenhagen 2010 that I found all over the Internet. I have done some videos too, but not as much as I would like. Those great moments seen on the video are to remember me that this year… I was there too… -:). Some great highlights were… the labs, for example. The labs were the place you had to stand in a queue sometimes 20 or more minutes… There was the official count of total labs completed: 5,948 and total VMs deployed: 56,435
I wonder if there would not be a possibility to have some kind of a Permanent Exposition somewhere in US or in Europe, where everyone just after paying a modest fee, could enter and do some labs or attend a sessions… Already there are the thoughts going on how-to (if possible) to organize and enable the labs for remote access through the internet. With a PCoIP you'd connect to the lab's desktop and do a lab as we were able to do in Copenhagen, or in San Francisco. Actually the labs in Copenhagen were not used, since all the PCoIP connections were used to connect to the Datacenters in Miami and Ashburn in the United States.
What's next? I will certainly watch some great amount of videos and sessions in the weeks, months to come. I might not watch all the business oriented sessions, but more or less most of the technical sessions. Because with so many resources OnLine available it's just very convenient. For your information, you can still buy VMworld 2010 Subscription to watch all those sessions if you want to catch up with the latest best practices and future projects that VMware has.
The sessions from last year – VMworld 2009 are available for Free. You just need to create an account to be able to go to the Sessions Labs and Theatre.
As for the next year… We'll see what I'm doing and If I'll be able to attend VMworld 2011 in Las Vegas or the European VMworld (Maybe Spain, Italy…, the place was not fixed yet…). For VMmware I'm not worried, because the Innovation, the passion, the community which is behind….all this helps to make the company better, more viable and more stronger.
Keep an eye on Project Horizon…. very very interesting stuff there…
the Labs were in the US, in Copenhagen the labs were used only for a redundancy.. All the connections were using the PCoIP protocol…..-:)
The Top 10 labs were:
1. VMware vCloud Director Install & Config
2. VMware View 4.5Â Install and Config
3. VMware vSphere Perf & Tuning
4. VMware vShield
5. VMware View 4.5 Advanced
6. VMware ESX 4.1 new features
7. VMware vSphere PowerCLI
8. VMware vSphere Troubleshooting
9. VMware ESXi Remote Mngmnt Utilities
10. VMware ThinApp 4.6
And here some other Videos….
CTO party for vExperts with Steve Herrod.
VMworld Party – Björn AGAIN by Eric Sloof..
Day 1 Wrap up by VMware TV:
Day 2 summary, by VMware TV:
Summary of VMworld 2010 in Copenhagen:
The progress of the development the client for the iPad….
Watch for Free the 2 general sessions with Paul Maritz et Steven Herrod at this url:
And some more….
What is the Cloud Computing?
What a show.. from VMware TV:
- Xangati at VMworld 2010 Copenhagen
- VMworld 2010 highlights
- Best videos of VMworld 2010 – this post