My website has got a face lift with comfy 3.09 update.
It's been some time since I use the comfy theme from, but I never actually checked if there is an updates or bug fixes. Since the website was upgraded regularly with latest WordPress, I haven't actually been worried about an upgrade.
I also tweaked the old theme here and there, put some snippet code here and there in the theme files and all this is lost with upgrade. So why upgrade when actually it's more work for me with almost the same results?
Well, actually there are some nice improvements in the New Comfy 3.0.9 which pushed me to upgrade. Especially the sidebar has got now the widgets placed automatically and I can choose which widgets are displayed on the front page, on the category page, Single Article page or Video category section (which has a different layout).
So on all four categories I now have the choice to place different widgets on the right hand side.
Also with the new version of comfy there is not only the default style, but also modern. BTW I prefer the default. And also there is the possibility to have the menus on the left hand side too….
At first I have tested locally and made the necessary changes to the code of the theme (there were some still ). For this I was using USB Webserver, which is a local apache/mySQL installation where you can install and run WordPress locally.
The updated theme is more clean and it runs faster.
Last but not least I can now handle with some more precision some banner Ads I'm running here for my sponsors, which I thanks a lot during this occasion. Thanks for your support. -:)
Also what's new in this new version of the theme is that you can drag and drop the modules on the frontpage and place them where you want. Close, open, minimize or maximize the tabs etc etc. My readers have the possibility to make their own layout possible.
The new front carousel which shows the large images uses custom fields. To use custom fields every time I publish an article I have to copy paste location of the image which appears on the front page carousel.
But there is also a possibility to switch back to previous version with smaller, cropped images.
At the same time I upgraded WordPress to the 3.1 version which introduces some new stuff, for example this little strip which is only visible when you're logged in.