Free Webminar with Eric Siebert – Top 10 Best Practices for VMware Data Protection.
Usually I'm always missing webminars, because the time zones between Europe and United States. There is a new webminar scheduled with Eric Siebert which is scheduled for March 16th. The duration of 1h.
Featured Speaker: Eric Siebert, VMware vExpert
Join Eric Siebert, a world-renowned VMware vExpert, as he discusses the top 10 best practices for protecting your VMware virtual environment. You will learn how to:
–Â Get the most out of your backups and put them to work for you
–Â Ditch traditional backup methods and perform backups at the virtualization layer
–Â Verify your backups so you can ensure they are restorable.
About Eric Siebert.
Eric Siebert is an IT industry veteran, VMware vExpert, author and blogger with more than 25 years of experience, most recently specializing in server administration and virtualization. Siebert’s most recent book is Maximum vSphere from Pearson Publishing. He also maintains his own VMware information website, vSphere-land, and is a regular blogger and feature article contributor on TechTarget's SearchServerVirtualization and SearchVMware websites. In addition, he has attained elite Guru status on the VMware VMTN support forums by helping others with their virtualization-related challenges.
Duration: 1 hour
Here is the link