New book will hit the Amazon store soon.
New vSphere Design Book from some well known faces in the VMware community. The new book is a joint project of 3 persons: Forbes Guthrie, Scott Lowe, and Maish Saidel-Keesing. All those guys are also bloggers. This is a first book which is oriented VMware vSphere design. It's a great initiative, since there is quite a few books now very high quality telling us and teaching us how to do this or how to use that feature, but to think desing before the actual implementation, there are not so many.
You can find more info about those three guys on their blogs, but I can tell you, that you don't have to worry about what to expect, because all three of them are experts in their domains.
Forbes Gutrhree – know for his vReference cards for vSphere and View which I have repported about many times… here for example.
Maish Saidel-Keesing – giving it's best in how-to's and return of experiences, but also fome freebies (Visio Stensils for VMware ) on his blog.
Scott Lowe – Author of Mastering VMware vSphere – another bestseller book.
A quick quote of what they saying about the book:
For the past 6 months we have been working on a joint project. It has actually been kept pretty quiet, and it is now time to make this public.
Previous VMware vSphere books have focused on how to master the technology, deep-diving into certain elements and giving tips & tricks that help you manage your virtual infrastructure.
But we felt there was something missing in all these books. What was missing was how to design an infrastructure, accounting for all the elements that you need to consider. For example:
* What kind of servers should I use?
* Which storage: NFS, iSCSI or FC?
* How do I scale a vCenter Server appropriately?The three of us collaborated on the book, to not only explain how to configure each element of your infrastructure, but to make you think about all the options available, and how each choice can impact the overall design. It should help you find the right solution for your environment—because no “one size fits all.”
To our knowledge, it is the only book focused on designing VMware vSphere implementations. It is written for engineers and architects who plan, install, maintain and optimize vSphere solutions.
The book details the overall design process, server hardware selection, network layout, security considerations, storage infrastructure, virtual machine design, and more. We debate the merits of scaling up servers versus scaling out, ESX versus ESXi hypervisors, vSwitches versus dvSwitches, and FC, FCoE, iSCSI or NFS storage. We show you which tools can be used to monitor, to plan, to manage, to deploy and to secure your vSphere landscape. We run through the design decisions that a typical company might face, and question the choices you come to. The book is packed with real-world proven strategies. VMware vSphere Design examines how the virtualization architecture for your company should ideally look, be it a newly deployed environment or an optimization of the existing infrastructure.
Enjoy… -:)