vMotion Certified for 200 Kilometers by VMware
Now it's just been certified by VMware that the long distance vMotion is officially supported by VMware. The maximum distance is 200 Kilometers. That's perfect because our Island has about this distance. From St Denis to St Pierre (Two capitals) there is only about 80 Kilometers… -:).
There was a team-up from Cisco, VMware and EMC. Together they did some tests and mesures. What is actually Long distance vmotion? You vMotioning between two remote datacenters. Why wanting to do that? Well I can imagine that in St Pierre there will be the Volcano Piton de la Fournaise spitting some lava around and you'll want to vMotion your VMs to St Denis to anticipate the catastrophy…. -:)
Well, there are some limitations too. Things like maximum latency of 5ms round trip and minimum bandwidth of 622 Mbits/sec. It's a matter of time when accepted by the local entreprises and firms. I can already imagine some scenarios here at the island… -:)