Is this possible? Oh yes… So what's this all about? You are able to auto login to your vCenter Server without typing login/password every time. You can do it by using pass through authentication. Simply add the following to your VI Client shortcut (at te End):
-passthroughAuth -s virtualcenter.domain.local
So the whole line should look like this:
“C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\VpxClient.exe” -passthroughAuth -s virtualcenter.domain.local
And that's it. You don't need to do anything else. The next time when you launch the client from withing the administrator's session (I suppose that you are login in as an administrator), you'll no need to type in the administrator's password.
No need to say that it is not best security practice… -:)
vSphere 5.1 features has been available for a while now. There are enhancements and new features in every level of the vSphere Suite. There are changes at the product level ( new products, like VDP ), features level ( Virtual hardware v 9, VXLAN, Space Efficient Sparse Disk format – New ….) there are changes at the licensing level (no “vRAM Tax” any more… ), the number of changes and features just starts the Virtualization game from beginning, once again.
A new VMware vSphere 5.1 Web Client has been introduced, which is faster and uses less resources. .The new web based client isn’t limited to Windows environments and it’s more resilient. The new vSphere 5.1 Web client uses Flash plugin (like VMware View) so the GUI is really nice.