Latest release of StarWind's V2V Converter can now use CLI to convert VMs Hyper-V, ESXi or Proxmox. This is the latest Version 9 (build 623) that has been released end of Jan 2025. The software is completely free and unlike other products, the V2V converter can also skip copy creation during the process.
So Let's say you have some VMs laying on a storage but not willing to create a copy to then convert it to another hypervisor's format. StarWind V2V converter can proceed directly and create the other hypervisor's format disks on-the-fly. Without an additional copy first.
StarWind V2V Converter / P2V Migrator allows easily converting VM formats directly from one hypervisor to another. You don’t need to create copies of the source and destination VM files on your local machine, making the conversion process extra simple.
It supports bi-directional VM conversion between various hypervisor vendor formats. To save time during migration and Hypervisor Switch, V2V Converter allows to convert VMs directly from one hypervisor server to another without creating an extra VM disk copy. On top of that, you can easily migrate your vital host VM images between different hypervisor servers without any data loss or corruption. Want to convert local files? V2V can do that, too.
What's new in Version 9 (build 623)?
- Added the ability to convert virtual machines using CLI (Hyper-V, ESXi, Proxmox).
- Updated VirtualBox SDK version.
- GUI improvements and fixes.
- Core improvements and fixes.
Where to find more information about the commands and CLI?
To start using StarWind V2V converter with the command line, open the Command Prompt with Administrative Privileges and run the application by specifying a path to the converter itself and commands and parameters.
In fact, there are 2 ways of working With StarWind V2V CLI:
- working through the command line by specifying commands and parameters manually
- working through the command line by specifying a path to the configuration file (.cfg) with required commands and parameters
You'll have to keep the syntax correct otherwise you'll receive errors in return.
V2V_ConverterConsole.exe command parameter1=value1 parameter2=value2 parameter3=value3…
Just heads to this section at the help site at StarWind here.
If you want to test this tool, I'd invite you to head to StarWind's website and give it a spin.
- Converting VM from Hyper-V to VMware ESXi (.vhdx to .vmdk)
- Converting VM from VMware ESXi to Hyper-V (.vmdk to .vhdx)
- Converting Image File from Hyper-V to VMware ESXi Format
- Converting Image File from VMware ESXi to Hyper-V Format
- Converting Local File to Local File
Also, P2V and P2V (cloud):
- Convert Physical Machine to Hyper-V VM
- Convert Physical Machine to VMware ESXi VM
- Convert Physical Machine to Microsoft Azure VM
- Convert Physical Machine to AWS VM
V2C (virtual to cloud) or C2C (cloud to cloud)
- Converting VM from Microsoft Azure to AWS
- Converting VM from AWS to Microsoft Azure
- Converting VM from Hyper-V to AWS
- Converting VM from Hyper-V to Microsoft Azure
- Converting VM from VMware ESXi to Microsoft Azure
- Converting VM from VMware ESXi to AWS
Final Words
StarWind V2V converter with CLI now available might be a good option to convert your workloads into different formats, different clouds. Whether you doing P2C (still) or V2V) or V2C or C2V…. This is the tool to have. Let's keep it in our tools section.
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