VMware has released the VCP-Cloud certification exam. This exam enables you to take different path depending if you're already VCP5 or not. In fact I have already detailed that in my post here – Â New Vmware Certification Roadmap.
Path 1: You’re VCP5 – so you can pass the VCP-IaaS exam (link) and you’re certified VCP-Cloud.  You became certified with VCP-Cloud Status.
Path 2: You’re not VCP5 – you have to attend a qualifying course and then pass the VCP-Cloud exam. You can chose one of two qualifying courses:
VMware Learning and Certification Path. VCP-Cloud Exam has 240 Questions and the passing score is 300 (out of 500). You have 225 minutes to complete the exam – in English Language. Plus, there is an additional 15 minutes to complete survey questions and agreement.
You can download the blueprint there as well, where the current version (2.3) is based on the vCD Â 5.1. The different objectives in the blueprint:
- The 1 – 7 are based mostly on vSphere 5 and related
- The 8 – objectives 8 – 15 are vCD and related.
VCP-Cloud exam gives the opportunity for datacenter administrators to choose directly the cloud certification, for further going for VCAP-CIA (cloud infrastructure admin) or VCAP-CID (cloud infrastructure design).
Quick quote from the Exam Page:
Successful candidates demonstrate core vSphere skills in extending data virtualization throughout the cloud by creating and managing vApps, service catalogs, and organization/provider VDCs, as well as administering cloud enabled networking and storage. This competency is built on the skills and knowledge needed to successfully install, deploy, scale, and manage VMware vSphere environments along with a solid foundation in basic cloud infrastructure concepts including public/private/hybrid clouds, multi-tenancy, and cloud security.
Here is short video from the VCP-Cloud page.
Source:Â VMware Education