Here is a top 10 articles and pages that has been accessed through my website in 2012. Those stats comes up from Google Analytics as a source. I have done this recap in the past and I can see that some old articles stayed popular. I recently changed the design of the website, for more secure Genesis Framework, and also swapped to Yoast SEO WP plugin.
Down below you'll be able to find some good how-to's and series of how-to configurations from my lab. Last but not least, there are also some some best free technical papers and free software.
This article is also my wish to all regular readers of ESX virtualization website at Happy Holidays… -:)
ESX Virtualization Articles and pages with Top Traffic in 2012.
- ESX Virtualization (that's probably because people just type “blog vladan” or “” via google..)
- Mounting your VMDK disks directly to your windows box – how to
- ESXi 5 Free – what’s the limitations?
- How to Install Android in VMware Workstation 8
- VMware tools download from VMware Website
- How-to uninstall completely a VMware product if the uninstall process fails
- ESXi 5.1 Free with no vRAM limit but physical RAM limit of 32Gb
- ESXi Free – how to upgrade to ESXi 5.1
- How to configure OpenFiler iSCSI Storage for use with VMware ESX
- Installing FreeNAS 8 and taking it for a spin
Then I'd like to show you some of the articles which did not make it to the top 10, but which I found particulary useful or it gave me a lot of work and I think that they provide good value, because those are step-by-step configurations and installation. Usually I test those in my lab. This selection excludes any sponsored reviews. So here we go.
Top How-to Articles.
- VMware View 5 Install, configure – How to do a simple lab setup
- How-to install Horizon Application Manager in a lab
- How-to change default SSH port on ESXi 5 and make the change persistent after reboot
- How-to disable ssh for the host has been enabled message in ESXi 5
- How to setup nested vSphere Lab on a PC by using VMware Workstation
- How-to delete the hidden recovery partition on Samsung 9 Series laptop
- How-to disable SSL Encryption in VMware vCenter Converter Standalone to speed up P2V conversions
- How to patch ESXi 5 without vCenter
- ESXi 5 Unresponsive VM – How to Power Off
- ESXi Configuration Backup Tool – Freeware
There has been some good PDFs through which you can learn on optimizing your virtual infrastructure, understand IOPS or learn the best memory sizing techniques.
Top Technical PDF:
- Maximizing Virtual Machine Performance
- Best Practices for Oversubscribing of CPU, Memory and Storage in VMware vSphere environments
- Removing Data Waste From Virtualized Storage
- The Ins and outs of IOPS
- VM Memory Sizing Considerations
- Mythbusters goes virtual
- The Myths of Virtualization Management
- Today’s problems chased with yesterday’s tools
- Top 5 VM Performance Problems
- The VMware Admin’s Guide to Hyper-V 3.0
Many of the free software bellow can be also found on my Free Tools VMware page
Top Free Software:
- VMTurbo Community Edition
- Veeam Backup Free Edition 6.5Â =Â VeeamZIPÂ
- Download Veeam One 6 Free version
- Xangati for vSphere
- vOps Server Explorer 6.0